
Surrounded by a silence that can be heard and by an air so fresh your lungs widen, looking over the mountain balcony over the Guadalorce Valley, in ecstasy by the dawn that sees off the night and welcomes the day, the visitor enjoys here, in Cerro de Hijar (Tolox, Malaga), an ideal place to practise a sport that captures more and more followers every day: Escaping.

Right there, on this astonishing balcony 650 metres high, sits Cerro de Hijar hotel. At its feet, Tolox, a village so white it looks like a film set.

Clear days reveal in the distance the snowed summits of Sierra Nevada. Around it, mountains, rivers, Spanish firs..., wild nature, a feast for each of our five senses.

Tolox is located in the heart of Sierra de las Nieves, a natural park catalogued by the Unesco as Biosphere Reserve, endowed with rivers and streams that flow all year round, where Spanish firs woods still live on, an extensive population of wild goats, roe bucks, foxes and more.

The Torrecilla peak, 1,919 metres high (there are different paths to get to the summit) is the highest summit in the range of mountains (Sierra), if the visitor comes in the winter, he will find it snowed.

The charm of this 2 star hotel worth visiting lies not only on its surroundings. Tolox, the village (know for its spa, Fuente Amargosa, recommended for breathing, throat, eyes, bronchial and urinary tract diseases) is not a village just to drive through, but it is a 'return' village.

The hotel enjoys a very pleasant atmosphere based on a very elegantly decoration, a mix of antique and modern elements, both in the rooms and in the communal areas.

There are 18 spacious rooms in the hotel, all of them with views, 16 of them with exterior balconies; the other two are on the ground floor (one of them suitable for disabled people), and all of them are equipped with bathroom, minibar, central heating, ceiling fan and TV.

A library and leaving room, with a fireplace and exterior windows, allow the guest to abandon himself to reading or simple mediation in case of cold weather or rain. The restaurant, also with a fireplace, has capacity for 40 people.

**7% taxes are not included in prices.

지켜야 할 규정


0:00 - 23:00


까지 12:00

  • 신용 카드가 허용됨
  • 세금 포함
규정 보기


  • 무료 주차장
  • 인터넷 사용가능
  • 팩스 서비스
  • 24 시간 리셉션
  • 투어 / 여행 안내 데스크
  • 비즈니스 센터
  • 레스토랑
개의 시설 모두 보기


Cerro De Hijar sn, Tolox 29109, 말라가, 스페인
시내에서 44.8km 거리