Thank you for booking with Desti Youth Park Hostel!
We are 24H.Check in time is after 14:00 (CST). If you arrive before 14:00 you can Check in if the room is AVAILABLE or you can leave your luggage in our luggage room for free.
If you would like to stay for more nights than your booking, please let us know now so we
can guarantee availability for you.
You do NOT have to pay now, but please note that your room fee should be paid *in full* when you check in.There are ATM and banks close to the hostel.And we can accept credit card payments/WeChat Pay/Alipay.So you do Not need to bring too much cash with you for safety.
我们旅舍附近就有ATM机和银⾏可以取款, 为了安全起见,您可以不用带太多现金,我们也支持信用卡,微信,以及支付
- Gratis Frühstück
- kostenlose Stadtpläne
- Gratis WiFi
- Kostenloser Internetzugang
- Kostenlose Schließfächer
- Konferenzraum
- Adapter
- Gepäckaufbewahrung