
Hotel/Hostel Plus is situated in Bratislava district Trnavka, 2 km from M.R.�tef�nik Airport and 700 metres from Avion Shopping Park.

Hotel part offers accommodation in 1,2, or 3-bed private ensuite rooms (bathroom with shower and toilet) or cheaper family rooms with shower and toilet shared by two neighbouring rooms. Hotel rooms and restaurant were renovated in 2016.
Hostel part was renovated in 2017 and offers dorm twin rooms, which are situated in the same hotel building, so you can make use of all public facilities and services available for hotel guests. Separate showers and toilets for men and women are shared on the hostel floor. All hostel rooms are equipped with WiFi connection. Password is available at the reception.
Few lines why to book Hostel Plus:
- peaceful sleep, no big noisy dorms around you.
- NONSTOP reception, come whenever you want, you don�t even need to ring the bell
- the best prices for pairs in private double rooms in the city
- very good connections to the Main Railway and Coach Station and Old Town by public transport
- direct night bus to and from the city center
- monitored parking - 3,00 € / night
- buffet, pub, restaurant, lobby bar � all in one building
- summer resort at lake Zlat� Piesky in the distance of just 1,5 km
- info about attractions, free city map and other useful info right on arrival
- lunch menu in working days for just 3,70 EUR!!!
- huge Shopping Park Avion just 700 metres far away, supermarket LIDL 600 m
- reception and surrounding area of the hostel secured by video monitoring system
- laundry service
- lockable lockers at the reception free of charge

Distance to Vienna is approximately 60 km, to Budapest approximately 200 km.

Внутренние правила

Дата въезда

0:00 - 23:00

Дата выезда

до 10:00

  • К оплате принимаются кредитные карты
  • Налоги не включены
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  • Бесплатный WiFi
  • Зал для переговоров
  • Комната для багажа
  • Круглосуточный ресепшн
  • Туры/Туристическое бюро
  • Обмен валюты
  • Парковка
  • Обслуживание
Показать все удобств


  • Соотношение цены и качества
  • Безопасность
  • атмосфера
  • Чистота
  • Персонал
  • Расположение
  • Оснащение
Посмотреть все отзывы
Останавливался в дек. 2019
Женский, 31-40, Беларусь
Good budget hotel with a great receptionist workers. Of course the location is far from the centr, but u cannot expect more for such price. Everything was good. There are trams which goes directly to the centr. I would reccommend this hotel because here is warm atmosphere, its safe.
Останавливался в июнь 2013
Мужчина, 31-40, Молдова
За свои деньги нормальный хостел. хотя и не ушел далеко от советского общежития. В гостинице конечно лучше. Меня вполне устпроил этот хостел. На большее не претендовал
Останавливался в сент. 2022
Женский, 18-24, Belgium
L'endroit était très éloigné du centre ville et nous ne nous sentions pas très à l'aise dans cet hôtel bien que le staff ne soit pas désagréable ...
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Bulharska 72, Bratislava, Bratislava, Словакия
5.7km от центра города