Hostels med parkering i Bacalar
3 Hostels in Bacalar, MexicoHvor vil du gerne hen?
Hvor vil du gerne hen?
Xibalba in Town
Hostel- 0.82km fra centrum
Xibalba i byen, hyggeligt sted for dig at bo!
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Elmar hostal
Hostel- 0.73km fra centrum
Elmar hostal offers a view of the Bacalar lagoon from the rooms and a view of the Costera from the terrace. The hostel is no more than two minutes away are the most famous piers to enter the lagoon, the most famous restaurants, cafes and bars. At Elmar hostel...
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Local 2
Hostel- 0.47km fra centrum
Lokal 2, smuk indkvartering i centrum, det ideelle sted at nyde Bacalar, arbejde online og få venner.
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