
Aref Qesh Homestay is located in Qeshm Island. Our guesthouse is perfect for travelers since our accommodation is located in Center of Qeshm Island. For going around this nice island you are relied on taxis but we are able to arrange taxi drivers for you for the usual prices on the island.

Nearby you also can find beaches, so you are able to enjoy the beautiful sunsets of Qeshm Island while walking around.
Qeshm Island is close to Hormuz, Larak and Hangam Island. You can reach these islands by ferry from Qeshm City. We help you to arrange your trips around the island so you are able to enjoy your stay completely. If you want you also can join our Qeshm Island or Hormuz Island tour.
Aref Qeshm Homestay will help you to have good time in Qeshm Island. You will enjoy the nature and the silence the island offers you.

Our home consisits of a large living room off of which, all the rooms are connected to including the kitchen, 2 guest rooms, 2 bathrooms and toilet and we have car parking available for 1 car. While staying with us, guest will get to sample some of our Iranian food and lifestyle.

Aref Qeshm Homestay policies & conditions;

Cancellation policy: 3 days before arrival by 6pm.

Check in from 07:00 to 23:00 .
Check out before 12:00 .

Payment upon arrival by cash.

Taxes included.
Breakfast included.

No curfew.
Non smoking.
Reception hours 7:00am to 12pm
The maximum period of stay is of 14 days.



7:00 - 23:00



  • 可接受信用卡
  • 不接受信用卡
  • 无出入时间限制
  • 严禁吸烟
  • 含税


  • 免费早餐‎
  • 免费停车
  • 免费WiFi
  • 免费上网
  • 机场接送
  • 行李存放
  • 24 小时前台服务
  • 旅游服务台
浏览所有 设施


Kuvehi village, Qeshm island, Qeshm, 伊朗
距市中心 18.8km