The Vintage Hotel is the Center of Everything!!
Located just a short distance from Montmartre, The Vintage Hostel is within walking distance to the Moulin Rouge and Pigalle as well as dozens of the restaurants, cafes, and pubs. All Paris attractions are easily accessible by Metro. The property provides several room options and amenities especially designed for modern travelers who want convenience and service. Because we want you to get the most out of your time with us in Paris our friendly and knowledgeable staff is available to assist guests 24/7.
You will be able to visit easily the Butte Montmartre and the Sacre Coeur (few steps from the Vintage)
With the subway, you will reach quiclky the Champs-Elysees, the Tour Eiffel or Opera , and the 2 airports (Charles de Gaulle and Orly) by the Gare du Nord, located at only 10 minutes from the Vintage Hostel
Thanks for your understanding,
The Team
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