Generator London is a design hotel-hostel located in Russell Square in the heart of central London, a short stroll to Covent Garden, Regents Park and trendy King's Cross. Guests can choose from shared dorms to private rooms, offering something for everyone. Complete with 24-hour reception, free wifi, cafe and bar Generator is a fun and affordable choice in London.
Generator London was the very first Generator and you'll find it in the area of Russell Square in the heart of the West End.
It's the ideal spot to enjoy London from, everything you need to see is minutes away by tube. You'll never run out of things to do in the UK's capital. You just have to decide where to start and we can help you with that. When you have seen and done it all for the day head back to Generator and unwind.
It's a destination in its own right and a great place to socialise and reflect on your experiences of the day. Head to the bar and chill out areas to get yourself a well deserved drink or two. It's lively, friendly and un-missable. We've also got great beds for sleepy heads and of course you'll be enjoying London life in the most authentic surroundings.
Choose from a great selection of rooms, from Dorms, to Quads, to Private rooms with innovative mod cons. Fast and free Wi-Fi is all yours too. To get the most out of your stay visit the travel shop and our city experts will help you devise an itinerary that will take you to all the hidden treasures this dynamic city has to offer. You'll have to stay longer to fit it all in but you'll not need convincing of that. We'll see you there soon.
ホステルワールドのゲストは、ジェネレーター ホステル ロンドンは清潔で安全で、「よく組織されたホステルで、スタッフは優秀でプロフェッショナルです」と述べています。私たちは「活気があり雰囲気のある」バーが気に入っています。旅行者は「ちょっとくつろいでビールを飲みながら、世界中から来た素敵な人々と出会うには最高の場所」だと言っています。私たちのユーザーによると、このホステルはラッセル [スクエア] 地下鉄駅まで「徒歩わずか 3 分」、キングス クロス駅まで 6 分、バス停まで 3 分です。